Shark Stories

Shark Stories od The Real Network

The Real Network

They're usually the stars of horror movies, phobias and nightmares... but are sharks really our mortal enemy? These stories might just change your mind about these ancient creatures of the deep. Anthony Mederer is joined by marine biologist Dr Sara Andreotti to help us see sharks in a new and different way. Proudly brought to you by SharkSafe Barrier.

Kategorije: Društvo i Kultura

Slušaj posljednju epizodu:

We continue our chat with shark conservationist, Michael Rutzen, as he shares more incredible stories from his many dives with sharks over the years.

Prethodne epizode

  • 8 - Social Structures and Dynamics 
    Wed, 13 Dec 2023 - 0h
  • 7 - Enter the Sharkman 
    Wed, 06 Dec 2023 - 0h
  • 6 - The Two Surfers 
    Wed, 29 Nov 2023 - 0h
  • 5 - Deep Dive 
    Wed, 22 Nov 2023 - 0h
  • 4 - Sole Survivor 
    Wed, 15 Nov 2023 - 0h
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