Men's Fitness After 50

Men's Fitness After 50 od Mark Nutting

Mark Nutting

Mark A Nutting, a two-time national award winning personal trainer with over 37 years experience, will discuss topics that can help you sustain your health and fitness levels, regain what you may have lost, or gain what you never before had, as you enter and continue the second half of our lives. In these bite-sized sessions, Mark will cover everything from exercising through arthritis through maintaining brain fitness. Being 60 years old, himself, he offers the "been there, done that" prospective along with his evidence-based presentations.

Kategorije: Zdravlje

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The health and function of our brains as we age is a major concern for many people. There are 5 components, pillars, that we can control to help us stay as high functioning as possible through the years. Brain fitness is the subject in this podcast.

Prethodne epizode

  • 3 - Brain Fitness Components 
    Thu, 21 Jun 2018
  • 2 - Functional Training... What Does It All Mean? 
    Thu, 14 Jun 2018
  • 1 - Looking for the Positive 
    Thu, 07 Jun 2018
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